Wednesday, August 6, 2014

End of Book!

What is your opinion of combining technology and the human body as she did in the video?
    I think it's the beginning of the future. With the internet being invented just a short while ago, the learning curve has raised so high that technology is almost surpassing human abilities. I think technology that works with the human body can only be a good thing.
What is your opinion of combining a media arts and science project with your own body? I could see this being a fun experiment that takes me outside the normal thinking zone I'm in.
How will you change this book?
I hope this book will make me for open to change.
How will this book change you?
 I think this book will change me into a person that doesn't have to follow the rules of society and I can rewrite so to say what I think about myself in this book.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

fear part 3

Out of all the fear projects presented last week I think the one I responded to the strongest was the "food project" the one where, I believe it was Jonathan put food into classmates mouth's as they were blind folded.
I think I responded to this his fear project the most because it was relatable. I didn't realize till after Jonathan presented his project that I too have a small fear of eating something and not being able to see it first. I think it's a fear a lot of people have no matter what culture their associated with.
First of all Jonathan's project was very extravagant seeing as how he brought a table, random food he bought and a cooler making me realize my own fear project should have had more of a punch. I fill as though I should add more special effects on the next project I'm involved in. I want to be able to look at fear from another perspective, and maybe Jonathan's project could be a start to doing that.

    Questions I responded too:

  1.    What was the fear project about and who did it? (Be sure to include the first name of the person - not their entire name for confidentiality reasons)
    2.    Why did you respond to it so strongly?
    3.    How does it impact how you see your own project, and your own creative journey?
This exercise is intended to be individual and to help you think about the idea of confronting fear from a different perspective. It is also intended to help you look at your own creativity differently.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Oh what sweet bliss on this lovely night!!

******Sometime between now and the last class (Aug. 6) take one 3-hour chunk of time and do whatever it is that makes you happiest. Before you start, think about the cover/surface/first impression of your "altared" book of the self. Then do the bliss assignment. Afterward, revisit your thoughts about the cover/surface/first impression of the book. Discuss this process on your blog and whether or not you had any different understanding or more creative thoughts about it after having just finished the bliss assignment. Post the URL to your blog entry here for your points.***********

At first I didn’t exactly know what I wanted on the cover of my book. It’s been something I’ve been pondering the whole semester. I have gone over in my head a few different ideas, one being to totally rebind the book and leather bound it with some sort of lock incorporated onto the front.

I then read over the assignment and decided what I really enjoy is watching television. So I decided I would spend the assignment watching television. I came across a great idea for the cover of my book and I think I want to incorporate one of my favorite tv characters onto the front of the book. No the book I have has nothing to do with television but it’s the principle of having something I enjoy on the front, since the whole book is about turning a negative into a positive anyway. I do really think relaxing and being able to clear my head, while enjoying some television really helped get the creative process going for myself. I’m looking forward to seeing how the cover of my book will turn out and the reactions of the class.

Friday, August 1, 2014

fear project # 2

First of all, wow this was a really interesting project. My favorite one so far, not sure everyone in the class could say that last week. Here are my reactions to your reactions (classmates) and ideas of how I can change some things in my video.

# 5 Observe the Reaction / # 6 Peoples Reaction:
    Initially I figured people would probably get a laugh over the video of my "teeth" falling out, so that was no surprise. Most people in the room at first laughed but then shortly after we began swapping stories of similar fears and I realized a lot of people in the class had a very similar fear or have had something similar happen to them. Overall I was pretty surprised that people had relating stories of similar events but I wasn't shocked at the initial reaction of the video.

#7 Propose changes to your idea based on what happened.
    After a week since I showed the teeth falling out video in class I have proposed a few changes that would make the video more realistic. First of all there wasn't enough blood! In fact there wasn't any blood in the sink when my teeth fell out which made the whole video extremely unrealistic. Besides the point that my teeth actually didn't fall out I believe some food coloring that resembled blood would do the job in putting some of the fright into this video in place of the laughs. I was also thinking that perhaps using corn in stead of paper teeth that are somehow painted or colored white would have a more realistic look. When my "teeth" fell in the sink I didm't hear a clinking sound that you would hear if teeth fell on that kind of surface. So even though the teeth were white, with out that sound it made it very unrealistic. Overall I do think there are some changes that would make the video more realistic in a sense but I do believe the initial video I showed got my point across and I had fun making it.

Last class the 28th was awesome~

I'm posting this blog a little late, but I really enjoyed last class session. It was awesome watching everyone present their fear assignment and to really talk to them about why they have this fear and what caused them to fear this. I also really enjoyed showing my teeth video for everyone. I got a lot of good laughs even though it was suppose to be a scary video, but I'm happy with my video. Sad to see I won't be able to see everyone for a couple of weeks but I shall be excited to see you all on the last classes.!

Monday, July 28, 2014

fear project part one

I expect that people will not realize whats about to happen, they will laugh and then hopefully they will understand my fear more.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I wanted to make something that deals with time and that also deals with the sense of smell. I got a few ideas but I never really got any thing built in my hand I'm in the process of making it And I'm prepared to show those drawings today. basically a clock that shoots out smells


I wanted to make something that deals with time and that also deals with the sense of smell. I got a few ideas but I never really got any thing built in my hand I'm in the process of making it And I'm prepared to show those drawings today. basically a clock that shoots out smells

Monday, July 21, 2014

the rules

 have to say I had fine on this last assignment. It was a blast. The rule I broke was a roll that I follow almost everyday and that is to eat with my hand. Yesterday all day I did nothing but use my feet as my hands to eat my food with. It was interesting at first and then annoying as second and after a couple hours I realize how much respect I have for people with no hands. I don't think I could ever do this again if I had to I would be with my hand every day.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

yesterday's class was awesome

I have to say yesterday's class is pretty awesome. I really enjoyed watching the video online. It was a different experience I would have to say. Also I like hearing everyone's 50 What if. That was very interesting to hear what everyone had to say and how they look at themselves and what other people have to say about them. I'm looking forward to the next assignment though I'm a little nervous to do it because I don't have any idea what I'm going to do yet. But I'm optimistic, have a good day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

50 things? or maybe as many as I can do.

50 ideas I could do to my book, or as many as I could try to think of! Here's my list,
1.what if I painted symbols I liked in side the book.
2.what if I rebound the book to make it leather
3.what if I decided to incorporate some sort of lock on the book
4.what if I cut out the pages and make a cool sculpture?
5.what if I turned the book inside out?
6.what if I set fire to the book and made a painting from the ashes?
7.what if I drew in a whole section of figures from "good dreams" i had each night
8.what if I let the book know my secrets
9.what if I made origami from the pages of the book.
10.what if I gave each page a different smell. A good smell
11.What if I wrote bad things in my book to know what bad things are inside of me to help me figure out the good things
12.what if I wrote my own story inside the story of the book
13.what if I made a secret code from words in the book only i could understand
14.what if I were to paste images inside my book
15.what if I made a mini me to fit in my book
16.what if i made a secret compartment inside the pages of my book
17.what if i made a door way to a door way to another doorway inside the doorway of a page door inside the book
18.what if I ripped out all the pages I didnt like and put in new pages of things i do like
19. what if I wrote down my goals and predictions for my future years?
20. what if I was a different kind of being? I could draw what I think I would look like in my book.
21. what if I some how incorporated food and other weird things into my book?
22. what if i ripped each page out making a papermachae castle and filled the windows with pictures of my assignments I did.
23. what if i made a japanese paper lantern from my pages?
24. what if I took pictures of everyone i loved and put them in the back of the book
25. what if I put inventions in my book?

Monday, July 14, 2014

field trip day

I gotta say today's class I probably enjoyed the most, it's hard to compete with amazing 3d technology. My most favorite thing today had to be the virtual reality room. I like seeing how different things are on different platforms. I enjoyed mostly the 3d room he first showed. Very interesting in all aspects. Also I really liked the oculus virtual reality headset. It seemed like a new way to play video games I've never been accustom too.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

I'm Me!

I'm going to represent myself in this blog as I do in life: very unorganized, sporadic and scatter-brained. The ideas that enter my mind are not necessarily repetitive besides for some major goals that I have, such as getting a higher education and supporting myself along with a family someday.

I wanted to go to college because I think it is important to always be learning in life in many aspects. College has taught me things I wouldn't have known otherwise and it has given me a different experience. It is also a great stepping stone for bigger and better things I plan to accomplish in my future.

I like to see myself as a simple person that doesn't need a lot of material items to be happy. I enjoy being outdoors, camping and being around my awesome friends and family. I spend my spare time listening to music, taking walks and watching my favorite TV shows and movies.

I am definitely someone that likes to do things the same way every time and you might even say I have compulsive behaviors, such as checking locked doors and only putting in ten dollars of gas in my tank each time. I am just me and I like the way I do things.

One of my great ambitions in life is to travel. I want to travel to Europe and especially Italy because my grandparents were born there. I would also like to build a tiny house so I can travel with my home and live minimally off of the land.

I feel good when I am kind to others and enjoying company with good people. I am generally a very happy and optimistic person.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sleeping on it

Another interesting class today. I really enjoyed listening to everyone talk about their experiences with sleeping on their book. It wasn't easy for me to get to sleep that night but I seemed to manage. I don't believe most people can say they have slept on a book before so I will take pride in that. I did really enjoy the art video shown today. I like seeing how people express art differently. I hope we can watch more interesting videos and have some more interesting assignments that are "out of the box".

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

sleeping on a book

Well my assignment was to sleep on my book. My book if you forgot is titled "how to research online". Before sleep I actually caught myself pondering about my book and then I quickly fell asleep. I don't usually dream but I did have a dream involving driving a car and crashing it. I don't know if that could be related but it was an interesting experiment none the less.

brought my egg back barely

Yesterday's class was quite interesting. I enjoyed hearing what everyone did to their eggs and I liked telling everyone about my egg project. I also enjoyed the ted talk. I think we should end each class period with a short ted talk. I feel that those videos are so informative

Monday, July 7, 2014

The mystery egg...

Last week we were given an egg in class to do something with. At first I was a little confused and wasn't sure what I would do with it. I asked my friends and family and no one had any suggestions that were realistic and interesting. For the fourth of July weekend coming up, I felt like blowing stuff up. All of my friends were blowing stuff up and the egg came to my mind. How can we blow it up? I had one of my friends hold the egg between some tongs while I held a lighter to it. After 1 minute and 30 seconds the egg had only turned black where the lighter was held. After almost two minutes we stopped the video because the lighter was getting very hot. I guess this goes to show that it isn't that easy to make an egg break or blow up with only a lighter.

Jacob Fenoglio

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Another interesting class yesterday and a couple things stood out. The egg! Yes of course the egg assignment stood out because it's just a surprise and something you don't expect. Another thing I really enjoyed was the ted talk videos, they are always so interesting!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Polly Wolly Well I'll try this.

Hello again everyone. I reviewed almost all the videos on Beth's channel and I did come across some interesting things. While I was watching these videos I was doing the assignment and thinking critically about the four S's, Serendipity, synchronicity, spontaneity, and surrender. To explain my doodling process is pretty simple for me, I have no process! As a matter of fact, I just doodle and look over definitions and it seems to do the trick for my memory. I don't concentrait on what I'm drawling. Believe me don't try to understand them because their is no understanding.

-Jacob Fenoglio

Monday, June 30, 2014

snazzy classy

I thought this meeting today in class was pretty informative on discussing expectations and made me realize that this class is going to be a blast. A couple things that really stood out was the fact that we're "meant to fail". I really enjoyed that short little philosophy I heard today. Another thing that stood out this week in class was that most of the assignments are going to be completely up to us to create. I think this process will allow me to be more creative and try some new things that I've never done before. 
